About Us

Capital Dynamics Asset Management Sdn. Bhd. or CDAM is licensed as a fund manager under the Capital Markets and Services Act of Malaysia. CDAM obtained its licence in 1997 and has been delivering consistently superior returns to its clients.

Setting up Capital Dynamics Asset Management was more than just a logical extension of our operations. It all began in early 1988, when Capital Dynamics Sdn Bhd or CDSB applied for its investment advisory licence. This was soon after the nightmarish crash of October 1987, a time when many were convinced that a global depression was starting. We, instead viewed it as an opportune time to enter the investment industry. In 1989, CDSB became Malaysia’s first independent investment adviser. Its investment portal, www.icapital.biz, was launched in 2002.

In Malaysia, as in other countries, we recognised that there was a dire need for a fund manager that has a “partnership” attitude towards clients; one whose success is unquestionably tied up with the performance of its clients’ portfolios. In building CDAM up as an independent, owner-operated set-up, there really is no doubt that we have put our money where our mouth is. We do well only if our clients do well.

The following passage from the 1940 book, “Where are the customers’ yachts ?” by Fred Schwed sums it all:

“An out-of-town visitor was shown the wonders of the New York financial district. When the party arrived at the Battery, one of his guides indicated some handsome ships riding at anchor.

He said, ‘Look, those are the bankers’ and the brokers’ yachts’.

‘Where are the customers’ yachts ?’ asked the naive visitor.”

Our Track Record

  • CDAM has consistently outperformed the MSCI Malaysia since its inception.
  • From 27 April 1998 to 31 Jan 2025, CDAM achieved an impressive compound returns of 10.26% per annum versus a return of 3.06% for the MSCI Malaysia.
  • From 1997 to 2024, CDAM has only recorded six years of negative return in 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018 and 2022.

CDAM’s clients include individuals, reputable corporations and institutions. Table 1 below shows the latest performance measurement of CDAM and MSCI Malaysia Index.

CDAM 10.26%
MSCI Malaysia 3.06%

Table 1: Annual Compounded Rate of Return (April 1998 – Jan 2025)

Figure 1: Annual Compounded Rate of Return (April 1998 – Jan 2025)

During bull markets, all fund managers can perform well. The difference between a good fund manager and a lousy fund manager can only be seen during bear markets. As we all know, you will only know who is swimming naked when the tide goes out as the figure 2 below shows.

 Figure 2: Annual Rate of Return (April 1998 – Dec 2024)

The figure 3 below shows a comparison between the performance of CDAM and MSCI Malaysia from April 1998 to Jan 2025. If an investor opened an account worth RM100,000 with CDAM in April 1998, by Jan 2025, the investment would have grown to RM1,369,650. But if the investor had invested RM100,000 in MSCI Malaysia, the investment would have only grown to RM224,237.

Even if the investor invested with CDAM during the peak of the market in early 2000, the returns would be close to 5.5 times after 24 years. If someone invested in MSCI Malaysia at the said peak, the investment would only be close to 1.5 times.

Figure 3: Performance of CDAM vs MSCI Malaysia (April 1998 – Jan 2025)

For more information, please contact us at enquiries@cdam.biz.


The performance of CDAM for the period 27 Apr 1998 to 31 Dec 2016 has been independently verified. The performance of CDAM for the period 1 Jan 2017 to 31 Jan 2025 is believed to be reliable, but has not been independently verified. Past performance and any forecast are not necessarily indicative of future or likely performance.

Our company’s philosophy can be summed up as Independence, Intelligence and Integrity.

CDAM practises and recognises the importance of “Independence”, “Intelligence”, and “Integrity” in the provision of its fund management services.

Independence of thought and action comes naturally at CDAM. This is because CDAM is not associated with any financial institutions, large corporations or government organisations, thus preventing conflicts of interest. With a clear focus, its efforts are concentrated on providing the best possible fund management service.

CDAM does not act on tips, rumors, hearsay, etc., but only on an intimate knowledge of investments, based on intelligent and objective analysis.

While it sounds abstract, CDAM believes that integrity will, in the long run show in the investment returns that its clients receive.

Anchored on the values of these 3 ‘I’s, CDAM has gradually and successfully built up its recognition and reputation in the investment industry, locally and regionally. The persistent application of the 3 ‘i’s philosophy holds the key to CDAM’s consistent success in the stock market.

Year Description
 Jun 1996 Capital Dynamics Asset Management Sdn Bhd was set up.
May 1997 Capital Dynamics Asset Management Sdn Bhd obtained a fund management licence from the Securities Commission.
27 April 1998 The first client’s account was opened. The delay in accepting clients was intentional, as CDAM did not feel that the time was right to invest when we got the licence. We did not want to put our clients’ money in fixed deposits and still charge them a management fee.
Oct 1998 The first stock purchase was made. When the Federal Reserve cut interest rate for the second time in 2 months and outside the Federal Open Market Committee meeting, it was our buy signal after watching the world economy very closely.
Dec 1998 We accepted our first corporate client.
Apr 1999 The funds under management reached the first RM10mln.
Oct 2003 The funds under management reached the first RM100mln.
Jun 2005 The SC approved the launch of icapital.biz Bhd, a closed-end fund to be managed by CDAM.
Now In a span of 17 years since we accepted our first client in 1998, the funds under CDAM’s management has surpassed half a billion ringgit and it is still growing.

1. Mr Tan Teng Boo

Mr Tan Teng Boo is the Managing Director of Capital Dynamics Asset Management Sdn Bhd (CDAM).

He is also the Designated Person of icapital.biz Berhad, a closed-end fund listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad since October 2005.

Mr Tan is a Fund Manager and holds the Capital Markets Services Representative’s Licence Holder for the regulated activity of Fund Management. He has over four decades of experience in the capital markets. He holds an honours degree in Economics from Sussex University, England.

Mr Tan is also an adjunct professor at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and Industry Fellow of UTS Business School.

2. Dato’ Dr Tunku Sara Binti Tunku Ahmad Yahaya

Dato’ Dr Tunku Sara Binti Tunku Ahmad Yahaya was appointed as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of CDAM on 20 April 2020. Dato’ Dr Tunku Sara Binti Tunku Ahmad Yahaya is a medical specialist by training. She is an Honorary Professor at the University of Malaya (UM) and Director of the National Orthopaedic Centre of Excellence in Research and Learning (NOCERAL) at the Faculty of Medicine, UM.

She graduated from the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, University of London in United Kingdom in 1982 and further pursued her Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS Glasglow) qualification in 1998.

Dato’ Dr Tunku Sara Binti Tunku Ahmad Yahaya started her career as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and an academic staff of University Malaya, Malaysia’s premier university since 1984. She was the Head of the Orthopaedic Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya from 1999 to 2012. Dato’ Dr Tunku Sara Binti Tunku Ahmad Yahaya was appointed as the Head of Unit for the upper limb and reconstructive microsurgery since 2000. She is a registered Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery under the National Specialist Register.

Dato’ Dr Tunku Sara Binti Tunku Ahmad Yahaya has co-authored numerous medical journals and has been active in providing consultancy for research/ innovative projects, clinical trials within her area of expertise.

3. Mr Tan Yuen-Lin

Mr Tan Yuen-Lin was appointed as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of CDAM on 9 April 2013. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a minor in English from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004, and a Master of Arts in Buddhist Classics from Dharma Realm Buddhist University in 2017.

Mr Tan Yuen-Lin started his career with VMware Inc. in June 2004. At VMware, he served as a Senior Member of Technical Staff. In October 2008, he joined VSee Lab Inc. where he eventually served as Director of Engineering until July 2015. He served as the Associate Dean of Campus Life at Dharma Realm Buddhist University from 2018 to 2024.

He is the son of Mr Tan Teng Boo.

4. Ms Tan Mun Lin

Ms Tan Mun Lin was appointed to the Board of Directors on 15 June 2017.

Ms Tan currently serves as Executive Director and Fund Manager (CEO’s Office) and holds a Capital Markets Services Representative’s Licence for the regulated activity of Fund Management.

Ms Tan started her career in Capital Dynamics Sdn Bhd as Executive Assistant to CEO (Investment Research) in September 2009. She assisted the CEO in local and global research and analysis, besides supporting the CEO in supervising and managing the research team.

Ms Tan graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Commerce (Major in Finance) in 2007 and a Bachelor of Laws in 2009.

5. Mr Yip Kit Weng

Mr Yip Kit Weng graduated with a degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Western Australia in 1993. He has approximately over thirty (30) years of experience in equity fundraising, corporate finance and advisory services, corporate banking, private debt securities issuances and private equity transactions.

He currently serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director of Supermax Corporation Berhad, Euro Holdings Berhad, Privasia Technologies Berhad (Listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad) and as Independent Non-Executive Chairman of InFocus Group Holdings Limited (Listed on the Australian Stock Exchange).

Mr Yip started his career in 1993 with Messrs PriceWaterhouseCoopers before joining Utama Merchant Bank Bhd as Senior Manager, Corporate Finance. Prior to being appointed as Deputy Group Managing Director of Affin-Hwang Investment Bank Berhad from October 2019 to November 2021, he served as Executive Director, Head of Investment Banking, Nomura Securities Malaysia Sdn Bhd (July 2014 to September 2019), Director of Corporate and Investment Banking Services, RHB Investment Bank Berhad (August 2013 to June 2014) and as Director of Equity Capital Markets, CIMB Investment Bank Berhad (February 2010 to August 2013).

He is a fellow member of Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia (CTIM), Chartered Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), a Certified Financial Planner of Financial Planning Association of Malaysia (FPAM) and is also a Fellow Member of CPA Australia (FCPA). In addition, Mr Yip serves as President of CPA Australia Malaysia Division (2025 to 2026).

Mr Yip also serves as an Industry Advisory Panel member for the Faculty of Business of Curtin University Malaysia, for the period 2023 to 2026.

6. Ms Hew Mei Ying

Ms Hew Mei Ying was appointed as Independent Non-Executive Director of CDAM on 1 August 2024.

Ms Hew, who holds a Master’s in Business Administration (Finance) from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, is currently the Chief Financial Officer of HeveaBoard Berhad. She brings over thirty (30) years of experience in the manufacturing environment with publicly listed/multinational companies, including a significant tenure as Senior Finance Manager at Samsung SDI (M) Berhad.

She is a fellow member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accounts (CIMA), a member of the Australia Certified Practising Accountant (CPA Australia) and a Chartered Accountant (CA) of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA).

Date Source Title
30/09/2015 Sinchew 資本投資股東大會 三董事再連任
30/09/2015 Guang Ming 資本投資有限公司 壓倒性票數重選3董事
21/09/2015 The Star No change in icapital board
19/09/2015 Sinchew 持現金為上 陳鼎武:股市風險高回酬低
14/09/2015 Sinchew Investing is not about predictions, it’s about learning to think and make logical analysis
13/09/2015 New Straits Times Online How to invest like Warren Buffett
01/09/2015 Daily Express 1MDB not the only problem facing M’sia
31/08/2015 Starbiz Investing during difficult times
10/08/2015 The Edge Singapore, Personal Wealth Staying upbeat on Singapore
13/06/2015 The Star Let’s discuss productivity
09/02/2015 The Edge Applying the principles of value investing
26/01/2015 Kinibiz online Correction from the article “Post AGM saga, City of London adds stake in icapital.biz”
21/01/2015 Kinibiz Post AGM saga, City of London adds stake in icapital.biz
10-16/01/2015 Focus Malaysia APM’s new contracts shield it from auto slowdown
02/01/2015 Financial Daily New Year, old spats
29/12/2014 The Edge Investment Outlook 2015
13/12/2014 Starbiz Deja-vu for icapital.biz?
10/12/2014 Kinibiz Capital Dynamics: the first global Asian fund
06/12/2014 Starbiz Fund manager rethink strategies
04/12/2014 Nanyang 前吉打总警长任资本投资董事
01/12/2014 Nanyang 争取到时间,改不了结果
02/12/2014 Starbiz Reappointment of director shot down
01/12/2014 Nanyang 罢免董事须顾及公司利益资本投资重委董事遇阻
02/01/2015 Nanyang 委任董事议程 72.96% :75%阿都阿兹返资本投资失败
29/11/2014 Nanyang Siang Pau 陈鼎武:反对委阿都阿兹任董 事 “伦敦投资理由牵强“
28/11/2014 Sinchew 以少欺多?
19/11/2014 Business Times Correction from the article Vote Tunku Aziz at Nov 30 AGM, says icapital.biz manager dated 18 Nov 2014
18/11/2014 Nanyang 陈鼎武吁挑战派现身解释
18/11/2014 Sinchew 伦敦基金以少欺多,陈鼎武吁iCap 股东会上说分明
18/11/2014 Oriental Daily 资本投资30日重开大会,陈鼎武 等伦敦金融城交代
18/11/2014 New Straits Times Vote Tunku Aziz at Nov 30 AGM, says icapital.biz manager
18/11/2014 The Sun New boardroom tussle looms at icapital.biz, Tan to ‘defend position’
18/11/2014 Starbiz Shrinking board: icapital.biz faces prospects of having only 4 board members following opposition from a group of shareholders
18/11/2014 The Edge Financial Daily Tan turns to minority shareholders
17/11/2014 KiniBiz Tan Teng Boo denies abusing position in adjourning AGM
15/10/2014 Financial Daily icapital.biz clarifies that Ahmad Yahaya intended to retire
14/10/2014 Malaysia Chronicles Large turnout at icapital’s Investor Day
07/10/2014 The Edge Financial Daily O and G counters are expensive and property stocks are ‘worrying’ says Tan Teng Boo
4-10/10/2014 Focus Malaysia ICAP eyes undervalued stocks with its cash hoard
04/10/2014 Starbiz The cautious contrarian
09/20-26/2014 Focus Malaysia Plantation stocks ‘Institutional funds ramp up overseas property investments’
09/09/2014 The Business Times Plantation stocks ‘due for major correction’
09-15/08/2014 Focus Malaysia Worries weigh on KLCI
20/04/2014 Sinchew Daily 股神也沒轍
12/04/2014 Focus Malaysia Dual-listing fund plan yet to materialise
12/04/2014 Sinchew Daily 倫敦投資管理增持資本投資至9.94%
10/04/2014 Sinchew Daily 兩位股神的待遇
24/01/2014 Sinchew Daily 经济转型留不住人才?
13/01/2014 The Busy Weekly 股价低估27%
11/12/2013 Starbiz icapital posts RM5.7mil Q2 profit
02/12/2013 The Edge Malaysia Weighing icapital.biz’s fund fees and asset worth
9-15/11/2013 Focus Malaysia Wellcall cathes attention of London-based fund
2-8/11/2013 Focus Malaysia Short-term gain, long-term pain (Page 1, Page 2)
29/10/2013 The Edge Online Urbanisation drives investment opportunities in China
29/10/2013 Oriental Daily 陈鼎武对预算案失望 服务推动经济难成先进国
29/10/2013 The Edge Financial Daily No FY14 dividend for icapital.biz shareholders
29/10/2013 Starbiz Output decline dampener
29/10/2013 Nanyang Siang Pao 锡需求料增长2% 马熔锡明年净利回弹
28/10/2013 The Edge Financial Daily Nurul Izzah laments emphasis on physical infrastructure
28/10/2013 The Edge Financial Daily Investor Forum
28/10/2013 Nanyang Siang Pao 黄 金十年:再来一次
27/10/2013 Nanyang Siang Pao 增长谨慎乐观 中国城镇化现商机
27/10/2013 Nanyang Siang Pao 明年完成种植业务上市 莫实得拟打造产托
19/10/2013 The Star icapital not keen on Bursa
10/05-11/2013 Focus Malaysia Impact of US fiscal deadlock on the market
20/05/2013 The Edge Singapore, Personal Wealth Asian-style global investing
30/11/2012 Frankly Speaking: Capital Dynamics Asset Management Advertorial
27/11/2012 The Star Tussle for icapital again?
26/11/2012 Star Metrobiz An iconic look
14/11/2012 The Edge Laxey may do it again says Tan
14/11/2012 New Straits Times New Fund to reduce discount gap
14/11/2012 Malay Mail Upbeat Prognosis for icapital.biz
12/11/2012 The Sun Teng Boo gets vote of confidence from icapital.biz Bhd shareholders
12/11/2012 The Star Tan stays on at icapital | Page 2
12/11/2012 New Straits Times icapital.biz Shareholders reject Laxey nominees | Page 2
09/11/2012 The Edge Tan confident of shareholder’s support
09/11/2012 The Star Tan rebukes Laxey | Page 2
08/11/2012 The Edge Tan to block Laxey’s entry into icapital.biz board | Page 2
07/11/2012 The Star Icapital.biz future at stake
07/11/2012 The Star Tan issues ultimatum | Page 2
07/11/2012 The Edge Troubles at icapital.biz | Page 2
07/11/2012 The Sun Icapital.biz founder may retire as its manager
07/11/2012 New Straits Times Capital Dynamics gest SC nod for dual-listed fund
06/11/2012 The Star Hostile take over? | Page 2
03/06/2011  Ignites Asia  Malaysia’s Capital Dynamics targets Hong Kong
 30/05/2011 Financial Times  Khazanah struggles to revamp state-backed groups
 27/12/2010  The Edge Singapore  What To Buy in 2011
 01/02/2010  Pulses  I’m like a Chinese businessman who treasures hard cash
 30/01/2010  The Business Times Weekend  China still presents a buying opportunity(Online Ver)
 21/12/2009  Business Times  Capital Dynamics eyes China Market(Online Ver)
 11/11/2009  Next Insight  TAN TENG BOO: Top fund manager expects 30-40% gain next year
 Curtin Campus media release  Curtin Sarawak students treated to fundamental analysis talk by prominent fund manager
 09/11/2009  The Edge Singapore  Tan Teng Boo’s bullish expectations
 05/11/2009  Business Times  Capital Dynamics bullish on stocks
 05/11/2009  Shares Investment  Veteran Fund Manager Bent On Bull Markets Ahead
 10/08/2009  The Edge  China’s reality check
 27/07/2009  The Edge  icapital.biz overweight on consumer stocks
 25-26/07/2009  The Business Times Weekend  Asia’s second homecoming
 29/06/2009  Shares Investment  Capital Dynamics Bullish Amidst Global Economic Woes
 10/06/2009  The Borneo Post  Opportunities available with local stock market
 09/06/2009  United Daily  提供散户式投资良机    资威推出资本投资基金
 Eastern Times  Capital Dynamics prove Malaysians really boleh
 The Borneo Post  Capital Dynamics Group launches latest Australian fund management platform
 01/06/2009  Austrade  Asian funds manager opens in Australia
 27/05/2009  InvestorDaily (online)  Asian manager launches fee-free fund in Australia
 25/05/2009  The Edge Singapore  Dare to buy on dips
 14/05/2009  Daily Express  Right time to invest or expand, says MD (Online ver)
 New Sabah Times  Great time to invest during economic slowdown
 The Borneo Post  Lehman brothers causes economic contraction : MD
 Business Times  Capital Dynamics sees new stock bull market
 See Hua Daily News  资威集团捎佳音   提供散户式全球基金投资
 12/05/2009  ZaoBao Business  资威新加坡董事经理陈鼎武: 全球经济处V形复苏
 12/05/2009  Business Times  Fund Manager says rally can last
 09/05/2009  The Star  Up close and personal with Tan Teng Boo
 07/05/2009  United Daily  资威集团董事经理:全球经济迈向V型复苏
 06/05/2009  New Strait Times  Stock stampede coming and its no bull (Online ver)
 The Edge  Market rally sustainable, says Capital Dynamics (Online ver)
 The Star  Signs show marketon a verge of a bull run (Online ver)
 The Malaysian Reserve  Stock markets have bottomed out
 The Borneo Post  Global bourses on bullish reversal: Capital Dynamics
 China Press  经济渐复苏   推动股市向好
 Oriental Daily  大马政治左右马股回弹(Online ver)
 Nan Yang Siang Pau  资威:未必与经济基础一致
(Online ver)
 05/05/2009  The Edge  Capital Dynamics launches second global fund
 Business Times  KLCI seen at 1,400-1,500 in 2-3 years
 07/04/2009  I&T News  First Asian-owned AFSL holder opens Sydney office
 07/03/2009  The Star  Capital Dynamics spreads wings to Australia
 18/02/2009 My Paper  Finance sector still hiring
 23/09/2008  BFM Media  The Wall Street Carnage – Should We Cut and Run?
 06/08/2008  Business Times  Contrarian view: KL bear season ended last month
 28/07/2008  The Edge Singapore  Unconventional Optimism
22/07/2008  Business Times  Fund owner sees strong NYSE rebound by end ’08
 22/07/2008  ZaoBao Business 威新加坡董事经理陈鼎武:目前是进入股市好时机
 21/07/2008  Channel News Asia  i Capital expects recovery in markets over next 6-12 months
 20/05/2008  The Star Online  Fund managers turn defensive
 13/08/2007  The Star Online  Overseas ventures boost earnings for some
 28/07/2007  The Star Online  The ringgit debate
 01/04/2006  Bernama.com  Five-year development planning may be outmoded, says Tan Teng Boo
 25/08/2005  icapital.biz increasing fund size for listing
 24/08/2005  Bernama.com  icapital.biz gets SC nods to expand fund size
 04/08/2005  Bernama.com  icapital.biz seeks to boost fund size
 04/08/2005  Bernama.com  icapital.biz applies to increase fund size to RM140m
 04/08/2005 Business Times  icapital.biz seeks SC nod to boost fund size
 13/07/2005 Business Times  icapital.biz gives listing press kit a Buffett spin
 13/07/2005  The Star  Capital Dynamics gets SC nod for closed-end fund
 09/07/2005  The Star  Oil & Gas sector among top picks
 08/07/2005  The Star  Economic slowdown likely to be moderate
 08/07/2005  The Edge  Closed-end fund to pick up undervalued stocks
 08/07/2005  The Star  Economic slowdown likely to be moderate (cont)
 08/07/2005  Business Times  icapital.biz targets main board listing in September
 08/07/2005  Business Times  icapital.biz: Bear mart best time to launch fund
 06/07/2005  The Star  Opportunity awaits in closed-end fund
 20/06/2005  The Edge  Another closed-end fund for Malaysia
 20/06/2005  The Edge  Measures in place to safeguard shareholders’ interest (cont)
 10/06/2005  Bernama  CDAM to launch closed-end fund
 10/06/2005  Business Times  Capital Dynamics to launch closed-end fund
 09/06/2005  Business Times  Analysts, fund managers still bullish on mart
 01/08/2002  Far Eastern Economic Review  Greed Breeds Greed
 15/09/2001  Investors Digest  A Voice in The Wilderness